Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Home Keeper’s Journal

     Here is my journal entry for the week of 03/01/10. There is a lot going on this week in which my prayer list continues to grow.
Here’s What’s happening …..

In My Kitchen …. Marinated New York Steak, Rice and Corn
With The Children ….. Signed youngest son up for driver’s training, getting older son ready for weekend ski trip with the church high school group.
What I’m Reading … the Twilight Gospel for an upcoming review.
What I Have Been Learning … How to be a good group coordinator and group moderator.
What I’ve Been Noticing …. that with all of the earthquakes going on around the world along with all of the other disasters and suffering of humanity, that the Lord is working to come back to set up His Kingdom.
Something that pleases me … Waking up to a beautiful sunny morning!
On The Back Burner of My Mind …. Review deadlines.
In The Deepest Darkest Recesses …. Wishing and wondering how much longer it will be until some family members and friends are saved.
May God hear your cries, answer all of your needs and heal all your broken hearted and sick loved ones.
God Bless

Molly Green Busting Free from this economy